Linggo, Hulyo 24, 2016

When frozen pipes cause flood damage

Professional Flood Restoration is a Must


Frozen pipes and Water Damage. (Photo Credits)

Frozen pipes can wreak havoc to any home or commercial property.

Apart from the damaged pipes that should be replaced ASAP and the inconvenience it can brings, secondary damage which is flooding and subsequent water damage can cost any property owner his hard-earned money. Home Restoration Services

Being alert aganst the damages of busted pipes can spell a lot of difference in terms of the amount of financial damage the indoor flooding can cause.

The Hadley Insurit Group says professional help is needed especially if the flooding has lasted for hours. “For more severe damage, such as leaks affecting multiple rooms or floors of your home or cases where leaks have gone unnoticed for more than 8 hours, a water mitigation or restoration professional may be required.”

Read the whole post here.

Safety First

The Desperate Houselife also says apart from plumbers, water damage professionals are needed to ensure the health and safety of the whole household.

“Once the professionals have fixed the pipes, you can start to clean up. It took me around six hours to get things back to normal. That is because the water damaged so much of our stuff. There are companies you can call if you need a hand. The people working for those firms are specially trained in ensuring no dangerous bacteria is left behind.”

Check out the rest of the article here.

Moving Forward

The website BBB Northwest emphasized that prevention is always the best option when it comes to avoiding plumbing and flood damage brought about by busted frozen pipes.

“Repairing is a worst-case scenario; instead of counting on an expensive fix, many homeowners would rather take steps early to prevent damage before it happens. Preventing damage to pipes in the winter takes some attention to detail, but a few simple steps can be the difference between a complex repair job and a problem-free winter.”

Read the steps here.

Having the emergency hotline number of a plumbing contractor as well as flood contractor can help ease the stress of any homeowner who is facing a busted pipe problem.

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